Into the Undergarden..

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Sad to hear 123GuestBook closing down.. I'll try to migrate my book onto something else. Currently out of my antidepressants and thusly, am slogging about. Hopefully will be back on track around Friday ^^;
Well I gave up trying to make the sitemap navbox have descriptions, I wish I COULD make it fit nicely & have descriptions but my coding skills are almost nil so it was out of my wheelhouse. I'm gonna try to get back on track & finish the Shows & Movies page. Or I might move onto a side page in the interests for a hot second. Does anyone remember the hoax lost media, "Kekcroc"? I love Kekcroc.
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Spinning sand wich........................
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Desperately trying to make my sitemap nav box not be 1000 miles long and failing miserably OTL

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Last updated 10 hours ago
CreatedAug 29, 2022
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