the digital diarist | alicia neptune

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I love your self-care and self-keeping page!! I never heard the latter phrase, but it’s very useful!! ^^
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thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

♥ thanks! I think I first heard the term from caitlin metz on instagram. she's part of a project @beinginyourbody that talks about selfkeeping. I found the phrase really useful, even though I use it a little differently than they do. I hope to keep building on my thoughts on that page! there's more to say...

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candle 4 years ago

i read this and thought you might be interested in seeing my notebooks--a big part of my journaling practice is decorating the notebook, feels like an important ritual for making it a personal space: this latest one has lasted for a year or two now because i haven't been writing much ;-;

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thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

oh wow! that's so cool. I love that you take the time to make each notebook truly your own. thanks for sharing :D

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I really like your page on self care and self keeping!
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thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

:D thanks! I'm gonna keep building on it.

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I love your site! It's so soft and comforting 💕
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softheartclinic 4 years ago

Thank you! ♡

really enjoying listening to your audio pieces! "mountain" was the first one I pressed play on and it was wonderfully peaceful. you have a lovely voice :D
nicoloscolierisound 3 years ago

hi thank u ! <3 I listened to some of your reads-alouds and loved the way they felt and made me feel, the molly hall stories had me on the edge of my seat just from the tone of your voice! im looking forward to your 2020 veds :))

Hi! Thanks for the follow, I really adore your site, resonating with going back to how the web was pre sm
thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

Hiya! Thanks so much! I love your site's aesthetic, it has such a great look.

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CreatedFeb 3, 2020
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personal writing journaling movies books