Pixel Moondust ☽☾

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divergentrays 2 weeks ago

Full Moon Graphics is also on my list of linkware. I love her sets, they are so cool! Your directory page is looking good!

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pixelmoondust 2 weeks ago

@divergentrays i LOVE how unique her site is!!! and thank you sm :3

hm…i wonder if i should try my hand at making some sets, a la old web style…maybe
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ancient-pixel 2 weeks ago

what kind of sets do you mean?

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pixelmoondust 2 weeks ago

@ancient-pixel do you mean what are sets, or what styles?? bc by sets i mean co-ordianted background sets :3 theyre sets of matching backgrounds, welcome signs (usually) and buttons for site navigation!!! and if you were asking about what style...well, im not too sure! i was thinking of re-using the code for the boxes on my blinkie page and making a desktop-esque theme, but really the possibilites are Endless

okay, got all my new sites added!!! and, heh, got an animated cursor, too >:3c
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alright...think i finally got links for all the sites that i want to get for now :3 i have more but i think i wanna change around my theme first!!! it takes me so long to do bc i end up spending so much time on the sites kjfnvjfdn
hm...think im gonna change the layout for my archived pages + put all the backgrounds on their own pages !
oooooh found another good site to add to my site archives :3
divergentrays 3 weeks ago

I like how you have various links for the sites - newest and oldest wayback link, current link (if it's working). Nice!

pixelmoondust 3 weeks ago

@divergentrays waaaaah, thank you sm!!! so many sites changed a lot over their years of existing and ive found that some things that arent available at one saved date are available on a different one, and i want to be able to keep as much of the sites alive as possible :3 site has over 2k visits now:')
ooooomg...was looking thru an old site and saw that their links changed colour on hover and i thought that was So Cool so i looked through the code of their site and got the script for it :3c it is (was???) a publically available script so im sure its fine to use :3

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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pixelart webmaterials oldweb purple