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rbuchanan 2 years ago

Why did you sell the F150? Its mileage was fairly high, but I'd imagine that it could last at least another 50K. OTOH, your log of the '98 Corolla reads like a testament to its persistence and your competence. Yikes!

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y2kbug 2 years ago

The f150 had 145000ish miles when i sold it. I sold it to an older guy that stopped by the house multiple times to ask about the truck. He really wanted to buy it and i was ok selling it to someone that would enjoy it. This past Sunday 1am I hit a bucket filled with concrete with the corolla. Oncomming traffic had their high beams on and I couldnt see it until it was too late. I was about 250 miles from home.

y2kbug 2 years ago

Pt2 Thankfully I was able to limp it home but it’s not safe to drive. I’m not sure of the future for the corolla. Maybe I’ll post pictures of it if I get time.

Nice site! Where is your go to place for electronic components? All local electronic stores are closed around me. Nearest store is an hour away.
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aa0cn 2 years ago

I use AliExpress for components that are difficult to screw up or for non-critical things. It's great to have a lot of spare components and assortment kits on hand.

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aa0cn 2 years ago

For important projects, I usually go through Mouser or Digikey. I often use Ebay as well, if it is something rare enough or I need/want old-stock. In my area there are many clearinghouse/surplus stores that sell a bunch of old electrical components.

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CreatedJan 3, 2019
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