
1,458 updates
0 tips
wtrClover was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
try honest to got FIGURE out the CLI to work with subfolders
I didn't even know there was ads on disqus comments, so I got rid of those ads
darn misclicks
wtrClover was updated.
2 years ago
Your art's so cool, and so is your site. Also, a fellow neopronoun user? Based.
1 like
yooo your art is so well done <3 also the tumblr-esque looking blog you put together with jekyll is so neat. i didn't even imagine it would be possible to make something like that with static sites, but ya managed it!
1 like
wtrclover 2 years ago

Thank you! Your website is coool tooo! reallly like the browser layout of it!

wtrClover was updated.
2 years ago
This is the greatest website in the history of mankind
1 like
very sorrry about the bulk update, I found out that half of my pages weren't even slugified (U>x

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 9, 2020
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art personal clover furry blog