2,140 updates
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arc browser on windows isnt worth it, trust me google chrome is a better experience
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wiichicken 3 weeks ago

probably not much this week and next week, im working more on final exams. neocities is forever, but so is a good certification, i think

irc so scary because you say "hi" and suddenly you have the president of the united states on the other end
wiichicken 1 month ago

a lot of new stuff, yay. instead of each site update being a blog post, each post is just on one page. there is also a new page for my favorite blogs and articles (which shows how little i read), and i made a userscript that replaces all the X "post" buttons with the classic "Tweet" button across the web

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wiichicken 1 month ago

I squashed some bugs, did some early spring cleaning, and fixed the webs that keep pages coming to you. For the latest features and enhancements, make sure your website is up to date.

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wiichicken 1 month ago

(seriously i hate it when companies make stuff like that their update log)

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i am aware the navbar doesnt work. this will be fixed in the next update sunday
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is it just me, or does the google material theme builder ( now redirect to the legacy github version?
dabric 1 month ago

NOOOO the flutter one is terrible to use

dabric 1 month ago

looking into it apparently the github pages one is staging? i still miss how the old one wasn"t just a huge canvas element...

hi f+f got banned because some person reported them.
that ufo flying across the about page is really cool! i never would of thought of that
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bruno-rubim 1 month ago

It's a ! I learned about it yesterday, it'd pretty cool!

bruno-rubim 1 month ago

it's a "marquee" tag, I don't know why it didn't show on the other comment, I just saw it now

this looks amazing! i love the character, too!
skaluli 1 month ago

thank you so much !!! and thank you as well for the compliment on my character. :] x]

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CreatedMay 21, 2019
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