a blue planet that isn't the earth (undergoing renovations!)

1,410 updates
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how you doin neocities
feelingmachine 3 months ago

i am so fucking sleepy

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3dsangel 3 months ago

also sleepy

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visitblueplanet 3 months ago

wake up you sleepyheads!!

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visitblueplanet 4 months ago

please don't mind that the embed video didn't work this time...but if you can open it on another window. it's worth it, i promise, the music video is incredible.

is marquee *really* deprecated?? if so why are various browsers compatible with it???
feelingmachine 4 months ago

compatibility reasons, just like many, MANY other html elements. don't want a bunch of sites breaking just because something is old. alos the reason why every windows version si built upon the last one, going back to NT

visitblueplanet 4 months ago

tho does it mean I should stop using the marquee tag?

file paths...css...folders that were supposed to help with organization...confusion...such a hassle...
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visitblueplanet 4 months ago

i've been troubleshooting for 2 hours straight i can't believe it took me that long to realize what was wrong. i will go insane. its time to listen to the mind electric by miracle musi,cal

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I discovered a way to clean dust from hard-to-clean corners, which can be very useful, so I wanted to share it. You take a sticky note and use the sticky part to collect dust, it is very useful for cleaning the space between keyboard keys, etc.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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personal art drawing blueplanet