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after updating my tumblr theme i really kinda wanna remake my website from scratch and give it a cool new coat of paint... but i have so much shit to do also.... caham. uuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
vauxov 2 years ago

i have some more html knowledge than i had when i remade my index page, so i think i could do it, but also... so much on my to-do list. i really gotta get organized first

i am editing my tumblr blog instead of my website because i am a rebel and a scoundrel whats up everyone (also im burnt out from working on the oc page lol)
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i dont like being mean to people but im begging some folks on this website to make your websites easire to navigate. i dont know where to click when the background is a tiled meme and i need to click one of the 20 pixels in the container to enter the website
feelingmachine 2 years ago

kill people who do this for me pls

quick question to people who know more than me - do playlist codes only work for supporters? i know free members cant upload audio, so i just put it on discord, but playlists just dont work at all for me, only individual audio players. is that a free user limit???
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discord down time to work on my webbed site
i am getting a little frustrated with this!!! no matter how hard i try it just seems like neocities wont cooperate. idk if this is related to the site constantly dying or me or what but i am upset honestly
vauxov 2 years ago

okay apparently i just had to complain and the site properly did its thing. i think i hurt its feelings

VAUXOV was updated.
2 years ago
neocities DIED again i think im killing the website. murder murder death death
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turning elements into divs is making stuff disappear ??????????? i dont think this oc page is going to work
anyone else feel some sort of anxiety over having to constantly update their site. i spent like 2 weeks not touching my site at all and the entire time i was like oh fuck i gotta update my site i gotta update my site when sometimes i just dont have anything new to say at all
infamousblackcoat 2 years ago

Yea, it be like that

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedFeb 10, 2022
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