A Quaint Laboratorium

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unartur 1 year ago

A blog entry on why and how I created my own little mastodon instance. I hope, my friends love it as much as I do!

Phew! I really need to write some very very very minor static site generation. I just love using pure JS for these kinds of things. ANYWAY I added my e-mail to the new navigation! If you ever wanted to reach out about ANYTHING, please give me a nudge.
Your site is so inspiring. Those character designs are amazing and I can't stop marvelling at your layout. I just read your blog entry on Freelancer and do know that these kind of decisions are what make us grow as artists. Please don't stop creating. Those kinds of bitter reflections are so damn important. <3
thenri 1 year ago

Oh... thanks! I appreciate that a lot, I'm still trying to get my confidence back. I really admire your worldbuildy(??) touch to your site, and your expressed interest in pet sites. I haven't heard of any of them until now, but I was very into the premise of neopets, I'm all up for something like that, but without the mess of a 20 year old site!

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 23, 2022
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art videogames internet