TheCozyCat | Welcome to my corner of the internet.

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I tried to write in your guestbook but it keeps flagging me as spam and idk why. :'( I love your site! I think the stuff you like to collect are really cool. I love the cups! I used to work in a place that sold cups like that from time to time. It really made me appreciate the artistic work people put into some china sets - it's rare to see nowadays. Keep up the great work on your site! :) I look forward to re-visit
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keeeok 3 months ago

Thank you for the kind words ^_^ I love your website as well, especially the theme! Hmm strange, I'm not sure why it flags you as spam, maybe it's a bug? Also oohh yeah those cups are really lovely :^ I love porcelaine, fine china, bone china.. kudos to the people making these! I also might join your free speech webring some day in the future. I really like the concept.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 15, 2024
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