The Syreth Clan

2,115 updates
0 tips
Culled some boring journal entries and updated the Golden Carrot License to get rid of a few typos and clear up some things.
New journal page, which is now a copy of the web directory page. Also there is a proper entry now btw... since like a week or so. At first I considered moving occult things into their own sub-page akin to BuKnight or Catscape but then there'd be basically nothing left for the main site.
Profile feed cleared up of site updates since apparently the preview doesn't store a snapshot of the previous version... so what's the point. Instead I've decided to start posting site changes here manually so you can actually keep track of what exactly changed.
the-syreth-clan 1 year ago

Current update on the main site: Picrew avatars replaced, site css classes cleared up to be uniform, some sweeping grammar checks, smaller --global-margin (15% -> 7.5%) and larger --global-menu-shift (15% -> 20%) so the body centers easier, mobile css fixes, expanded Directory with more links.

the-syreth-clan 1 year ago

Aaaaand Neo doesn't count profile posts into the RSS feed. Tough.

the-syreth-clan 1 year ago

BuKnight website is now re-organized and proof-read much the same way as the main one.

the-syreth-clan 1 year ago

Catscape updated with the same treatment... roughly.

We hit 1k updates. Quite easy to do when Neo counts every file upload a seperate update, plus you have to make a small million of corrections, but hey it's something.
Disallowed indexing in robots.txt, let's see how the metrics change with that. Right now they are ~150/50.
the-syreth-clan 3 years ago

Seemed to have worked, it's back to roughly 10/10, 30/25 just how it was before the web index.

Hey Districts! My site's changed somewhat since you've added it. Now it also has a games (and soon art) sub-sites so it doesn't technically qualify for Strawford-upon-Avon exclusively. Well, I don't think it qualifies for any specific category anymore since it has a bit of everything. You can move it to Purgatory or just erase it, whichever you feel is better. Just thought I'd keep you updated.
Since it's World Mental Health Day I thought I'd make a fanart for you. Your site has helped me get through thick and thin so this is the least I can do. Enjoy!
softheartclinic 3 years ago

Aww, thank you, that is so sweet of you! ♡ I hope you're doing well and wishing you all the best. So happy to hear my site could be helpful!

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frogesay 4 years ago

Thank you for linking me the comic about the My Little Pony dolls who have existential crises. I am also having one. This pleases me.

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the-syreth-clan 4 years ago

Yeah, been there... still kind of am actually. Hang in there.

Would it be okay to embed a button on my site directing here even if I am not part of any districts?
districts 5 years ago

If you're not part of any district but would still like to link back to us, we would suggest using the main districts button. However, thanks to the staff change we no longer own the rights to the design of Seb, so currently we'd advise you to either wait until we have new buttons or use the text only version. But yes, linking to us is fine! We're glad you enjoy districts enough to want to do so.


Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedNov 18, 2018
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personal art literature syreth gamedev