texas is forever

1,550 updates
0 tips
new article about transmasc stuff --->
added some cool gifs to the graphics page. gn !
first actual blog post is up
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Site is mostly usable! Still having trouble with the concert log on the sidebar but I can figure that out later. I'm tired.
hiii what did u use to make yr site button?
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grlrot 9 months ago

hiii I used this! which I found finicky but it worked, and then to animate it I went into clip studio (but like anything with layers would have worked.) and added glitter and then pasted that into a gif maker online. I'm CERTAIN there's an easier way about it but I do not know it. !!

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renovations: tedious but necessary and fun when you get into the swing of things. thx for 10k page views...
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I more or less have the homepage skeleton set up so I need to work on revamping the blog pages next. I want to make an advice column too lol.
ok well i sort of fixed things. ill continue tomorrow. i want to redo my nav bar next and center align it. and make new pages.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMay 24, 2023
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trans writing mcr ptv blog