Welcome to Squishii's Dumpspace, where I, Squishii, dump things

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So I just got firefox. I only have one comment so far: I like the fact that the tabs look like their floating.
squishiis-dumpspace 8 months ago

I can't belive I'm actually using this comment for personal blogging. That's weird.

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BERT HAS EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!
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squishiis-dumpspace 8 months ago

Yes. He's ascended from cough drop wrapper birb to children's drawing birb, and now has canonical gender identity and pronouns. I can't believe I'm actually kind of invested in what you or other people headcanon about him. I thought he'd be more of a throwaway character, but here we are

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So I ran my website (well my homepage, since I use the same colors on every page) through a contrast checker (basically checks if your text and background contrast enough to be accessible for people who may not see color as well as you do). Obviously since the color palette was all pastels, it failed, and I'm trying out some darker colors for my text and backgrounds. So far, I've got my yellow page parts and CCS clea
squishiis-dumpspace 8 months ago

*cleared by the test, but I keep thinking of a darker blue with the background, and I freaking hate it (just doesn't scratch the rat brain right). So does anyone have any ideas for site color pallettes with a lot of contrast? I'm thinking pastel text on a black or dark grey background (Which I might actually do, since I like that type of color pallette)

squishiis-dumpspace 8 months ago

So now I'm thinking of an entirely different layout now.

squishiis-dumpspace 8 months ago

Yayyy! My idea for the new color pallette passed the contrast test! Now I just have to change the link colors 😅

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CreatedJun 3, 2023
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