Welcome to scftst4rs!! ★

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SCFTST4RS V3.0 IS UP BAYBEEE!! There are probably a few things that'll need fixing over the next few days as I notice them but for now the site should be functional? Idk, let me know if you encounter a problem. Anyway, I need to actually start filling this thing up with *content* its so emptyyy, it has been for ages ;-;
scftst4rs 6 months ago

OH also the flashy dots on the time display broke again so I've had to remove them :/

hatsu 6 months ago

big layout websites are so cool

finally made my email, so for now I'll consider my site ready to be properly updated. I'll have to wait until i get back to my desktop tho, since I'm working on my laptop atm which is very laggy and i cant be bothered trying to upload and adjust all the files this way. idk, hopefully I'll be a bit more active soon, I've just been very focused on my youtube recently :P
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Blog pages have been updated!!! (well I did remove all but one of the posts but anyway)
So instead of working on my site, today I've recorded a basic html/css tutorial for my youtube channel. The recording is an hour and a half long so I have a lot of editing to do but hopefully it gets done and is helpful to some people :3 (obviously you reading this probably isnt the target audience for a basic html tut, but idk, interesting website related update I guess??)
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I have an updated latout for the blog pages!! Thinking I might not re-do each entry since I just dont feel like what I say in them is important anymore?? (not that it would be hard to update them, theres only like 3 entrys) I'm considering maybe just 'officailly' uploading what I have so far and filling in the blanks as I go?? It just means some pages will be down for a bit :P
scftst4rs 7 months ago

Wait, I forget, I still need to make an email. Whoops. Or I at least remember to take the 'link' to it out before I upload the site >w<

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJun 2, 2022
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