Salty's Lair 3.0 | Index

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Also I have an accessibility coder question for all you IDE wizards out there: I really want to add a widget around the frame of my site that opens an accessibility menu with different options (turn off the glow, animations, etc.). I'm just curious what y'all think would be the most effective way to display this code to the web browser so that it takes priority on screenreaders, etc.? I want to use minimal JavaScript
saltedslug 2 days ago

I would normally just go read the documentation, but I've been having a hard time focusing on technical reading lately.. I think it's the COVID brain fog coming back around.

Go look at Kitmeow's new design they're working on... this shit is so inspiring!! -->
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kitmeow 1 day ago


Haven't felt brave enough to edit the site yet, but have been consistently adding to my Internet Archive account if you're interested in what I've been up to. ( Still adjusting to a new job, so that takes up most of my brainpower for the day. See ya soon!
tower-falls 1 week ago

This is a great archive you posted, thank you! I especially appreciate the 95/98 christian desktop suite and the crunk CD compilation (remembering "Right Thurr" by Chingy existed made my day).

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saltedslug 1 week ago

haha I'm glad you enjoyed it; the crunk CD was actually compiled by Lil Jon as a way to popularize his crew's sound, which i love

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My new (old) 2007 gamer PC is finally working after a hefty battle with PCIe version incompatibilities. Vista is up and running; I've amassed an archive of period-correct theming applications, themes, icons, and all sorts of other ephemera. I really want to make a video about it... either way, someday my site will have a massive shrine to Windows Vista. It's even more beautiful than I remember. Hope you're all well!
geouniversal 2 weeks ago

bring me back to the family computer where you each had a login

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our neighborhood was hit by a tornado last night!! hope all of you midwesterners are safe!
peak rain/tornado season for my neck of the woods. lots of flooding round these parts. It doesn't bother me much, but it sure does make me sleepy... i'm still doing many things, just haven't put them in legible form yet. see u soon, as always. P.S. the wife and I finished the Fallout TV series. As someone who has been a die-hard Fallout bro since the early 2000s, I was pretty pleased with it. Good easter eggs.
kitmeow 3 weeks ago

stay safe!

divergentrays 3 weeks ago

Tornadoes freak me out because they are so unpredictable. Hoping all the people and kitties in your household stay safe!

still not dead just workin, fixing servers and messy group policy at the new gig. still working on the site on my pc, just not proud enough of anything yet to publish :) new stuff on my internet archive page tho!!
i'm making a backdrop video collage for my friend's bodyhorror noise punk band and found this really interesting list of "body horror"-themed video games and the specific scenes/missions that contains that imagery. tw for graphic violence obviously, don't click unless you wanna read about weird biopunk shit:
hey buddy!! happy late birthday. didn't know you were a fellow aries >:)
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melonking 1 month ago

Thanks salty! Aries 4 life >:}

i'm DETERMINED to get something uploaded tonight. it's been too long since i had a good update here >:(

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 23, 2022
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art music queer technology graphics