Fish Temple

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A little surprised about the spate of unfollows in the wake of me posting essentially "terminally online drama disconnected from reality does not interest me", but if it's important to people I'll reiterate it here. I have sub-zero interest in e-slapfights between multiple factions over things that are mind-bogglingly inconsequential. Please do it far away from me.
dokodemo 1 year ago

its shocking to me that people will still take offense to someone simply not wanting to involve themselves in drama

pomelo 1 year ago

real and true facts

vencake 1 year ago

same, I literally wrote one comment on how I unfollowed someone because I didn't want to see their drama on my feed(not even on the instigator's page or comment chain) and they blocked me lmao works for me I want 0 to do with any of it

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I want to preface this saying I think people engaging in fandom and enjoying creative endeavors should be able to do whatever pleases them, but I personally deeply, profoundly loathe "humanizations" of non-human characters.
sakana 1 year ago

I hate this compulsion people seem to have of "humanizing" everything. I know it's not that deep, but... why can't characters that aren't humans just be allowed to stay that way, to keep the essential traits that make them, them? What's so appealing about stripping back everything that makes them different to just make them another old human? Is that the only way you can be interested in them and their stories?

sakana 1 year ago

Plus as soon as you turn like... a dragon, orc, alien, skeleton etc into a human, you can't avoid giving them a race and saddling them with all the baggage and assumptions that come with that.

rexalted 1 year ago

so many good points here! i personally enjoy exploring "what if" scenarios and taking the challenge of trying to translate a character from one form to another, but i don't disagree with you. it can seem like people do this because they didn't take the OG design seriously enough, and have to turn it into a more "relatable" form to fully appreciate the character. sometimes it verges on the assumption that non-human ch

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rexalted 1 year ago

aracters aren't capable of having as much complexity as a human. and that's a really... disappointing thought. honestly, at that point, they just need to make an OC inspired by that character.

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dokodemo 1 year ago

i mean, people do this with human characters too. imagining them as animals. i hate to be that guy but most artists that even bother imagining what their favorite character would look like in another universe probably does so because they think its hot 😭

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dokodemo 1 year ago

and there are more people out there willing to um... draw certain art of human characters than weird monsters

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added ur button to the web links page :D
sakana 1 year ago

Late response, but thank you!

Asking this here rather than on Keltokel because there are many more of you here: how do you guys feel about displaying AI generated art? I'm in the MidJourney and Dall-e 2 betas and I've been using them to generate portraits of some characters in my campaign that I either can't or don't want to hand draw.
sakana 1 year ago

Obviously with clear attribution, it drives me up the wall when I see people post AI generated art and try to pass it off as their own authentic artwork. This is currently plaguing DeviantART and other amateur art sites.

pomelo 1 year ago

im prob in the minority here but i have 0 issue with it. i know a lot of people see it as art theft and ive seen a lot of hub bub on twitter about it being bad but i tend to look at it like a "remix" or how you can use someone's video in your youtube video because it falls under fair use.

lhfm 1 year ago

There is no problem with that imo. I think this tech is really cool and unlocks a lot of creativity that is held back by a lack of "talent". The AI isn't doing 100% of the work, it isn't coming up with the unique/interesting prompts for what you want it to create, so no shame in posting what you get it to come up with and claim some credit.

sakana 1 year ago

Re: Pomelo, that's honestly a fair point, especially with how differenciated AI art is from whatever individual pieces of data it's trained on... it's seaming together thousands of images from context and with randomness algorithms too. Re: lhfm, I'm glad you think so! I think it can be used responsibly.

pomelo 1 year ago

i think the only legitimate criticism of it I've seen is professional freelance artists who pay their bills doing concept art and illustration are uspet that they may be "replaced" because an AI can not only design but render a character for p much free. Other than that its cool and fun

dokodemo 1 year ago

@lhfm i dont think i agree with the last part. even if you come up with the idea, you still didn't make the image. you still give credit when commissioning an artist for a picture of your character. this is almost the same thing. except the ai is drawing it for you rather than someone else. also, there are people behind the ais development that deserve credit for what their creation can do.

sakana 1 year ago

I don't plan on making blog-type posts a habit or anything, but this post got resurrected again recently and I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't say something about it. Tell me if you've had similar experiences.

fav tamagotchis? (mine are the new ones, and also the ones with hearts on the top, and the connections)
xxhalfemptyxx 1 year ago

btw whats your take on tama sma-cards?

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sakana 1 year ago

I have a bunch of OG ones from the 90s, connection v1 and v2, connection v6 music star and the tamatown tama-go. This might be a weird pick, but the v6 music star was probably the most fun one to see progress - it felt like there was a lot to see and do. The tama-go was cool but really bulky so I felt like I couldn't take it out to places with me, since it can't really go into a pocket...

sakana 1 year ago

I would like the Pix (the newest release with the camera and color graphics) if I could find it for a reasonable price. I have other assorted virtual pets in my collection, GigaPets, Digimon and off-brands. Tbh one of my favorites is just the Pocket Pikachu even though there's not much of the "pet" aspect, it's just cool to have a toy that incentivses exercise and evolves the more of it you do!

sakana 1 year ago

I don't know a whole lot about the Tamagotchi Smart, like the Pix I would grab it if I saw it for a reasonable price. I think it's the natural evolution of the series. My main issue with it is the fact that I will never have the 1996 Friends card. ;_;

xxhalfemptyxx 1 year ago

woah! so freaking jealouss of ur collection! also yea, pocket pikachu is pretty cool, and ngl, i too will fight tooth and nail to get the 1996 card JUST for the gyaru hair

sakana 1 year ago

More overdue adding of mutual buttons, but of course none of the webpage thumbnails are correct. I want to read other people's dream journals but I forget which people I follow have them. Tell me if you have one.

xxhalfemptyxx 1 year ago

like imagine having a peaceful night in your cold room, its 9PM and your insence made with star anis and cinnamon is speading its scent all over the room like how a farmer sows his land, and then you hear random doots and deets coming from your neighbor's house, reminding you of that one time in 1989 when you vomited of the floors of a local discotheque

sakana 1 year ago

@xxhalfemptyxx *Sniffs your post like a sommelier sampling a wine* Hmmmmmmm monsieur this is an abstract feel

sakana 1 year ago

Aha! I have located your button, welcome to the list

xxhalfemptyxx 1 year ago

thank uu <3 also yes indeed this is an abstract feel

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I accidentally deleted your comment think it was a reply button (I wish they would put the reply button next to the last comment, like on Reddit). I agree with you on the theme score part about Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt and its existence is justified through that. I will add this to the tail end of my review once it is nearing completion.
sakana 1 year ago

No problem, it's happened to me before! I love the OST and still listen to it lots!


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