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love your website so much it's very fun and silly also random but love the aquabats stamp on your page instant W
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cephalon7000 1 year ago

thank you fellow aquacadet(?) :D

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already getting the huge urge to revamp my whole site but I still have some stuff to finish (looking at the shrines and art stuff)
rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

I think I'll probably just use whatever motivation I have to possibly atleast finish writing shit for the shrines and then I'll make a revamp after my birthday in august

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not an update but! yesterday I had a big discord group call with my friendgroup the sexynauts and I managed to 100% psychonauts 1 and beat meatcircus first try!!!!! I had so much fun yesterday :-]
rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

I even showed them all the jb gifypet thing on my ghs shrine and one of them who's a huge jb enthusiast like fucking screamed

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big question hopefully people can help with!!! is there any way/solution to making a site button, I wanna make one/have tried to make one once but it didn't help making with like resizing and it becoming all crunchy and such, would like some advice/help on this thanks!!!
badgersaurus 1 year ago

A vector-drawing software like Inkscape is probably the best for button-making, 'cause you can resize it as much as you'd like, but there's also this:

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warp-zone 1 year ago

seconding badger's recommendation, vector tools are easiest.

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rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

oh ty!! I'll defiently try both options soon!!!

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CreatedMar 25, 2022
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