Retro Games Radpage by MSX_POCKY

890 updates
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Just made a button for Radpage which I've put at the bottom of the left sidebar. If you're a mutual with a button you want me to add, please let me know, and you're welcome to add my own button to your sites too!
p7uen 11 months ago

Hi MSX_POCKY I love the site, I've added your button to my about page, my button is on there too if you want to add back. I am a pinball enthusiast and thought I'd seen them all but as Mac is a blind spot in my history your LittleWing reviews were a great read, thanks!

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radpage 11 months ago

Thank you p7uen, added your button too. I read your page on Yoda Stories the other day when following your page and really enjoyed it, I've recently been exploring more of the Star Wars game library (playing Dark Forces atm) so enjoyed seeing an overlooked one get some love!

radpage 11 months ago

I'm trying a somewhat different approach to screenshots here, cropped screenshots which you can click on to see the full image, hopefully resulting in less spaced out text while still having a good amount of visual aid for what I'm describing. Let me know if it works well!

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New update planned this weekend! Apologies it's been a while, Heroes of Might and Magic 2 took an extra week for me to finish up. Review of HoMM2 is next!
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I'm thinking I may stop the weekly reviews thing. I've been doing some thinking and I think the continuous deadline is piling up unnecessary stress on myself, plus it's also limiting what I play since I need to play things I can beat in under a week. Moving forward I think the new schedule will just be adding reviews as I complete games at my own pace. This way I can also tackle some lengthier TBS and CRPG games
radpage 1 year ago

I want to keep up regular updates however so I'm intending to start a blog page on my site I can keep posting to during any lulls in review output. I think this is the best way to keep content creation up but also mind my mental health.

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Updated now, click here for the latest review on Claw:

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 27, 2023
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videogames retrogames reviews pcgaming mobilefriendly