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more like neotitties
um? I'm sorry I didn't see your comment until now but I wasn't talking about your website....
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pinkvampyr 9 months ago

you know what nvm it was an honest misunderstanding. I apologize for being vague.

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this sounds very harsh but I truly believe that most people would benefit from. not hosting on neocities forever. it's a great place for a newbie to start and to find a community but in terms of actual long term hosting once you get your feet under you there's so many more and better options. you can still maintain a presence on here but. idk. consider it.
does have a built in RSS feed or
fri11s 9 months ago

don't think so. which i kinda like. makes it more private. don't want the mundane crap from my piped into someones rss feed πŸ˜…

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I wish neocities had a notifs option I literally have comments on my statuses I don't see until days later!
pleasseeee don't make me enable javascript just to see a functional version of your website PLEASE
I just saw your response to my post sorry, catbox is actually blocked in several countries! so some people's websites aren't loading images hosted on catbox if the viewer is from a certain country.
pinkvampyr 9 months ago

tbh it's always best practice to just host your assets onsite! don't trust filehosts except for temporary stuff.

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gummywormhydra 9 months ago

oh wow i didnt know that! tysm for telling me, guh its gonna be a pain to move everything but ill try to when i have time!

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I love your buttons page, the effect when you hover over the buttons is really neat!
pinkvampyr 9 months ago

aw tysm!! tbh that was completely unintentional shemsgdhdj it just so happened that the outline that appeared when you hover over text links also applied to the image links and I was like oh well that works too haha

site is breaking on zoom so I may have to remake the layout in flexbox instead of grid :'''''^)
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the world will never know peace until people stop hosting their files on catbox
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punkwasp 9 months ago

gummywormhydra, it's bc catbox is blocked in some countries, so for those countries the files won't even show up if someone is viewing your site

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CreatedMar 13, 2022
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