The Howling House

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I liked Morning Shower a lot. 'teeth stuck in meat/mouths stuck as smiles' reminds me of something similar I've written ('a smile is just another way to bare your teeth'), similar thinking perhaps. Grim physicality! Wilfred Owen liked it too, although in a different context.
brennholz 1 year ago

Thanks! Honestly, I had to look up who Wilfred Owen was. (Don't know shit!) Seems like grim physicality was the only way for him to poetically process the horrors of war. Meanwhile, I'm just complaining about my dreams... Anyway, I really like that line, 'a smile is just another way to bare your teeth'. I think it could be the official slogan for passive aggression lol

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pikemalarkey 1 year ago

Ah, I think Owen is just a UK thing (also reading him now so he's at the front of my mind). German poetry is beyond me, so I really appreciate having your bilingual & English poems.

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readingproject 1 year ago

Your reading list reminds me that I haven't updated my own 'ridiculous' reading list on my personal website for a while. Another thing for the 'To do' list, although I suspect the 'ridiculousity' of my list should be a matter of shame, embarrassment and despair! Anyway, it's interesting to look at someone else's list

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pikemalarkey 1 year ago

"Shame, embarrassment and despair" is exactly how it feels like to look at your reading list a few years down the line and find some obvious stinkers! It would be interesting to see your list too if you ever feel like sharing.

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readingproject 1 year ago

I have a fraction of my list shared on my reviewer profile on the website already. But as I said, it is long overdue to be updated, and even then, I could only include some of the books I have backlogged in the house to read. I'm a compulsive book buyer - have been all my life, but I'm trying to slow down now - so things are a bit out of control.

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readingproject 1 year ago

I had a wisdom tooth pulled in the 90s and for some reason that maybe only you can understand, I still have it. I don't know what's stranger: that, or the fact that I clicked your button, "Show me the teeth!"

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pikemalarkey 1 year ago

Oh wonderful! I was wondering, does it hollow out over the time or does it remain solid?

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readingproject 1 year ago

Mines stayed solid. There was nothing wrong with the tooth. There just wasn't enough room and it had begun to cut into my gum, causing an infection. It just seems more yellow these days.

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katze-alert 2 years ago

cool website

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pikemalarkey 2 years ago

Thank you, kind stranger! (and to anyone who might want to read the last update, plz see the homepage, I messed up the page order)

I remember both Mowgli and Ezhik v Tumane from my childhood. The beginning of Mowgli with the peacock walking around and that melody was always so magical and to this day I'm in love with Bagheera. The space travel animation is new to me but, weirdly, the space it depicts is not! There's something very nostalgic in a way that space was portrayed then, so full of hope.
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Thank you for the follow & your awesome website. My boyfriend used to live in the Netherlands and he still raves about how nice cycling is there. Whereas if you cycle in London, you just get killed : (
joppiesaus 2 years ago

Thank you pikemalarkey! yeah, I love cycling. Such a shame indeed that it is so dangerous in many other places.

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I tried your falafel tip the other day. Hard to say how well it worked, some of the pattys fell apart in the pan, but I was using a different brand of falafel mix than usual with a recommended resting time of 120 min (???) and started frying after abt. 45, so who knows. Either way, the corn+falafel flavor combination works great and is not one i would have come up with, so thanks!
pikemalarkey 2 years ago

Omg : D Yeah, I can see how having more chunky stuff would make the mix harder to hold together. Unfortunately, I can't recall what mix I used initially. Anyway, glad it was edible :)

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ratshack 2 years ago

Are you planning to go on to the Odyssey? Talk about no peanut - all the famous bits are four lines long and the rest of it is about various people being rubbed with oil!

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readingproject 2 years ago

I always preferred the Odyssey, because I'm that kinda guy. Robert Fagles's translation is pretty good if you want a printed edition.

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ratshack 2 years ago

Fagles is my favourite translation too. He may not have been able to spice up the Odyssey enough for me but I thought his Iliad translation was fantastic.

pikemalarkey 2 years ago

That's the plan! Switched to audiobooks for evenings now that it's too light to project movies on the wall. Currently having an interval with a sci-fi set during the Trojan war (??) but I'm looking forward to people being rubbed with oil afterwards!


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