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does anyone who prefers/relies on light mode struggle to read the content on my website? are some pages worse than others?
owlroost 10 months ago

I prefer light mode. It's difficult for me to read text cast against the checkered background- I usually read at the bottom of the page where it's the solid color background. The contrast is great against the solid color. The purple pages are easiest to read. The green/teal ones are so-so on checks but the easiest by far against the solid color- the green on blue makes it pretty easy.

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owlroost 10 months ago

Orange pages are extremely hard to read against the checkered background (lacks contrast w/light orange squares) but fine against the solid color.

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owlroost 10 months ago

Article reader mode works great on pages that have it available, by the way- just checked while I was at it. If I remember right, article reader mode requires article tags and p tags with a certain word or character count to work/show up.

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pencilvoid 10 months ago

thank you for your insight! i've been wanting to add a light mode to the site for a long time but i was struggling to think of a way to go about it, your comment about the checkerboard is actually really helpful

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owlroost 10 months ago

There is a media check for light mode! @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: light) {} should allow you to set colors for folks set to light mode. I use a dark mode check and CSS variables to set the color scheme for my own site.

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pencilvoid 10 months ago

the media check is a good idea but i might have to combine it with an in-browser toggle because i don't like that "prefers light mode" and "no preference" get lumped together lol

owlroost 10 months ago

Yeah, always did think that was weird. You can make dark mode the no preference default if you structure things right though.

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watched Akira
thinking of retiring the art page for the time being. it doesn't really fit with what i want the site to be and the code is kinda messy
atkinson hyperlegible gang
kalechips 10 months ago

Yay! I'm tickled to see so many other people using it.

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i'm so glad i've never had to use a table in HTML
owlroost 10 months ago

I WISH I'd never had to use a table in HTML... D: (though at least I had to use it for an actual table)

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dann 10 months ago

Used to be the only way to create layouts

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pencilvoid 10 months ago

Just fixing the Atom feed again

pencilvoid 10 months ago

Edited aboutme page a bit

pencilvoid 10 months ago

Also started to process the Atom feed manually instead of using a plugin for it

pencilvoid 11 months ago

added some subtle CSS animations to the decorations on the esoterrarium index! like the decoration on the landing page, they won't animate if you have reduced motion settings enabled

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oh yeah just so you know: if the site updates less frequently than usual this month it's because i'm trying to focus on art fight (spending five minutes a day drawing attacks and the rest of the day procrastinating)
owlroost 11 months ago

Can definitely relate :')

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this probably already exists but i wanna play/make a rhythm game with a focus on drums and fast breakbeats
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pencilvoid 11 months ago

have fun obliterating your keyboard and your fingers replicating each individual beat of the amen break at 300 bpm you Fucking Loser

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CreatedJun 22, 2018
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