P7uen | Video Game Retrospectives

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A deep dive into the notoriously boring Star Trek: Starship Creator and it's sequel Warp II. Only trekkies might appreciate this one, but I ended up modding missions using the mission editor and turning it into something quite good!
The last word on Jurassic Park Trespasser, a massive retrospective!
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vgobscura 10 months ago

What a knock-out entry! Trespasser was a game I adored as a kid. I barely got anywhere in the game, but I would just marvel at the dinosaurs. It really was a beautifully ambitious, but horribly flawed game that should be studied. There is so much we can gain from the lessons they learned and apply them to make something really magical! Great Work!

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radpage 9 months ago

I genuinely had no idea that some of the System Shock devs worked on Trespasser as well which explains so much since I also made the immersive sim connection with Trespasser myself. Really fascinating, if slightly hilarious, game.

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p7uen 9 months ago

Thanks both it means a lot!

Look forward to your first game post!
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vgobscura 10 months ago

I really appreciate it! It should be up this weekend! Have to lay down just a tiny bit more of a foundation and explanation of my odd brain! Also... I LOOOOVE YOUR BLOG! I run a podcast on books based off of video games that is currently on hiatus that has a boddy horror audio drama infused into it as well so I am definitely following you now!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 16, 2023
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videogames 90s games gaming retro