Zim's Website

1,587 updates
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I did lots of formatting all across my website today, and also added 2 new blog posts, a blog organization system, a gallery for Myantha, and the Yesterweb webring! I also changed my links page into a proper about page.
For some reason, not all the formatting on my website appears in the preview images that come up on this feed when I update it. So, to see the full formatting, you have to click it, sorry!
Zim's Website was updated.
1 year ago
Hi, your website is really cool! Do you have a button for it that can be used to link back?
toyfoods 1 year ago

not yet, unfortunately! But tysm :D

Zim's Website was updated.
1 year ago
Zim's Website was updated.
1 year ago
I've got a clown gif up, like you'd requested! It's based on an antique doll someone brought into art class a few years ago but I don't have photos of it so I just did it from memory and made embellishments when needed.
clownbonk 1 year ago

omg i love it, you did a great job!! im not sure where i'll use it but i will link back when i do!

1 like
Zim's Website was updated.
1 year ago
I want to add a graphics page with some free to use graphics made by me. However, I don't have many ideas for graphics, so please let me know if you have any requests! I would prefer to do small-scale pixel art, and maybe glitter edits of free-use photos if I can figure out how to make those. I'll only take fandom requests if I've watched/read/etc the source material.
clownbonk 1 year ago

of course i would love and use any clown themed graphics!! :o)

ocpdzim 1 year ago

Good to know, I'll try and think of ideas for some and let you know if I make any!

I'm going to make a page just so I can test out some code I'm making for a friend, ignore it please! It's not an official part of my website.
ocpdzim 1 year ago

It’s gone now, thanks for your patience everyone!

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedAug 29, 2022
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art ocs colorful personal blog