♡ mezucore ♡

2,461 updates
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i spent a good while adding all of my followers' buttons to my website... if you follow me and your button's somewhat easy to find, you're most likely in there. don't hesitate to tell me if i've forgotten you though <3
fellow frenchie!!!!!!! finally!!!!!
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wi-fi 3 months ago

j'en vois pas beaucoup TT ou alors c'est des québécois mais ça compte pas lolol

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mezucore 3 months ago

je crois que c'est la première fois que j'en vois sur neocities jtavoue

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wi-fi 3 months ago

jvais pas te mentir quand j'étais petit on me disait que j'étais un "geek" parce que j'étais beaucoup sur l'ordi en mode "euhh mais tu fais quoi même" donc dans ma tête les français ils sont 10 ans à la ramasse niveau culture internet mais de nos jours cest plus du tout vrai mdrr vu que c'est devenu super mainstream mais j'arrive pas à m'y faire.. quand je vois des fr avec des aesthetic un peu online je suis choqué

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mezucore 3 months ago

LA MÊME en vrai c'est tellement rare que je trouve des gens qui sont dans mes délires, je pense quand même que 95% sont encore à la ramasse..........mais c'est peut-être parce qu'on est tous un peu sneaky aussi

and i added more fanlistings. it's become such an addiction that i joined a fanlisting for fans of joining fanlistings. help
sanguineroyal 3 months ago

im so sorry to have part of your journey into fanlistings

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mezucore 3 months ago

i'm thankful, i promise......(sobs)

interstellar-shipwreck 3 months ago

i added a bunch of fanlistings to my site but forgot to actually join them, and there's so many of them... maybe someday i'll actually go back through and join them all

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i joined an absurd number of new fanlistings. it's such a blessing to be a fan of so many things <3
sanguineroyal 3 months ago

I have no idea who this man is but i really like the design!!

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mezucore 3 months ago

AWEEE thank you so much !!!!!! you have no idea how much that means to me <33

after a long, long day of fighting against my code, the herbert west fanlisting is complete at last.... serves me right for trying to do something different. if you like re-animator (1985)'s silly mad scientist herbert west please don't hesitate to join the fanlisting <3
this might be a shot in the dark but the fanlisting for the 1984 movie Another Country is up and running! if you happen to have watched/enjoyed it, feel free to join <3
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CreatedNov 19, 2022
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