MAPH's millennium futurism ꕀ

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helloo mini annoucement thingy slash community post (#・ω・)ノ i'm planning to start work on my friends&neighbours page soon, so if you'd like for me to add your site button it'd be super helpful if you like or reply to this post :) i want to add everyone i can (esp since so many of you are SO underrated)
moya 3 weeks ago

yespls also do u have a button i can add..

maphren 3 weeks ago

@moya i do not have a button yet but after the page is done i'm planning to use it as inspiration to get a better idea for what kind of button i wanna make, so it should be finished pretty soon after c:

helmetguy 3 weeks ago

I'm not sure if I have a site button or how they work,but if you could somehow add one for mine I would really appreciate it!

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ikaroll 3 weeks ago

could you add me? :3

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maphren 3 weeks ago

@helmetguy a site button is just any 88x31 image intended to be used as a link to your site! for most people it's a combination of an image and their site name, but it's really up to you as long as it's made by you as a representation of your site :) you can also make them online at

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maphren 3 weeks ago

@ikaroll ofc!! i'd be honoured (@^◡^)

magnapina 2 weeks ago

Would love to be on there!^_^

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omfg i love this SO MUCH
maphren 3 weeks ago

hdjfhs THANK YOU!! i love your site so much too, i feel like we have similar visions or inspirations? (although ur site is definitely an inspiration to me now as well ;;)

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moya 3 weeks ago

TYSM i honestly thought the same when i saw yours and i was like woah...and the sakura calendar is so cool i might have to .. " USE " that perhap[s :-0

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maphren 3 weeks ago

@moya ikr >:) sakura calendar users unite ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ ✿✿

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does the stuff about new accounts not being able to access stuff from other sites effect things like filegarden? I'm guessing it does - I got lucky, my account was created in 2023, but my sibling made theirs just a couple of days ago
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owthehedge 3 weeks ago

I can't find an official statement about it anywhere, all the stuff I can find is what others have said and the fact that I'm pretty sure it's on the list of things the supporter tier gives now. if you could send me an official source on it I'd be grateful!

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owthehedge 3 weeks ago

still, this feels really scummy, and I really hope it gets pushed back somehow.

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maphren 3 weeks ago

sorry, i can't find an official source on it either :/ you could try reaching out to the creator of neocities, kyle drake, for a statement as it seems he's pretty responsive? other than that though, i do host some audio files on and i've never run into any issues with it, so filegarden definitely has a chance of working out. i'm also able to use imood, i have no idea why that works but doesn't

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maphren 3 weeks ago

the whole stricter restrictions on new accounts thing does feel really unfair, i understand the need for it and i support it to a degree but i think it could've been implemented so much better, especially in a way that doesn't alienate part of the userbase. my hope is that they introduce some kind of verification system or even a one time payment so new users can permanently get the same permissions as older users :T

webcatz 3 weeks ago

im pretty sure the restrictions only apply to fetching and scripts! if you're just sourcing images it should all work fine. see

owthehedge 3 weeks ago

okay, good to know and thank you so much!

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Your website looks really good!
maphren 3 weeks ago

thank you so much!! :D please don't look at the code though, it's literally held together with duct tape 💀💀

i'm so heartbroken abt the neocities restrictions regarding new accts connecting to other sites and stuff... if only i had made my account a month earlier there's so much more i could integrate into my site :((
softteddypaws 3 weeks ago

was literally just thinking this ;w; im like really wondering if supporter is worth it

lhfm 3 weeks ago

Wait, what happened?

maphren 3 weeks ago

@lhfm afaik accounts made after jan 1, 2024 aren't able to retrieve data from foreign websites in the way older accounts can, so like my neocities site can't interact with code on status cafe to display a status, or interact with google forms to allow me to host a comment box. it's not like cors support will be going away for everyone and new accounts can buy supporter to get it, but it just feels rly unfair imo :(

my site now has blog functionality and a sitemap!! my only post right now is basically a placeholder but i'm super excited to write more in the future ( ᵔ◡ᵔ)b
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CreatedFeb 4, 2024
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