luficer in the lounge

2,149 updates
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asian isn't a language lmfao , nice rules homo
duuuuude your log page is so cool i was trying to find things similar to it all last week , what the heck does it take to make hat type of thing ? btw awesome fucking site
turd 5 years ago

thank you!!! I followed this tab tutorial:

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turd 5 years ago

this is basically the code for my log but simplified. I'm not really good at explaining things, but I added some notes in the code that's hopefully helpful

luficerslounge 5 years ago

thank you so much dude! i appreciate the timt you took to reply, ima try dis out later c:

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turd 5 years ago

happy to help!!

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i figured it out ha
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if anyone can tell i've been tryna learn html for 10 days now .. 10 days of knowledge doesn't make up for every time i as a kid i gave up on learning code >_>
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bruv how tf do you get the sidebar full height , whilst still having ur content area centered ? ive been typing for days , ultimately fucking my theme worse than it was to start with -.-
darkrabbithole 5 years ago

Full height? Set your sidebar's "height" in your CSS to 100% and "position" to fixed. I'm not really sure how you have your divisions but I'm sure that's a good place to start. Might want to check out too

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luficerslounge 5 years ago

the heck , i never saw u replied but thanks so much man

i love your site , i really think you can create amazing content . i just can't wait to see what you're going to do with the place !

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 16, 2018
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