kubikill's Cyberspace Portal

1,996 updates
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added your button to my site :]
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kubikill 1 month ago

Thanks, I will add your button on my site as soon as I can :)

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Hi, just commenting to let you know you've been added to the Acing The Internet webring! Thank you for applying!
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kubikill 1 month ago

Thank you! I'm currently on vacation till Friday and I can't add the webring widget at the moment but will do so as soon as I return!

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kubikill 2 months ago

Just added a music player! Instead of using normal .mp3 files, it uses module files! Getting this to work was more complicated than I thought, but I think it was worth it :)

14-4ml 1 month ago

this is awesome!! i wonder what games would have been like if we just kept using them instead of straight audio files.. they probably wouldn't be as big as 80 GB now lol.

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kubikill 1 month ago

games nowadays have many more assets than just music, so it wouldn't help that much, maybe 1 gigabyte at most. that being said, it's insane how module music takes so little space, like bejeweled 3's 1 hour-long soundtrack which is only 800kb!! how is that possible??

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedAug 20, 2019
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cyber personal retro videogames mobilefriendly