KakaTekel - KakaTekel's Website

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1 tips
Just wanted to say, love the artwork! Love your simple style that clearly shows your craftsmanship. Especially the manga-style one, it's sketchy and traditional but also well put together and has that digital feel to it.
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kktk 1 month ago

I also read your journal about how inspiration came to you and gave you that "feeling" again. This reminds of the lesson "feelings follow behavior", which in this case would refer to how starting to draw/paint is what eventually creates that feeling of inspiration and creativity.

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kktk 1 month ago

The lesson comes from the book Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart by Elizabeth Edwards, and it's similar to something Steven Pressfield quoted in his book The War of Art, "I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o'clock sharp." -W. Somerset Maugham

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 2, 2021
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art painting drawing minimal