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"Because, man, it's just guinea pigs. I draw guinea pigs." You cracked me up there :p
Re word clippings - yall: In Australia "youse" (pronounced like the sheep "ewes") is sometimes used to indicate the plural use of "you". It's considered unsophisticated, however, and has class associations. Is that used in America?
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k7 5 years ago

Hi!! It looks like youse is used in places like New York City and New Jersey, but by far the most well-known one here is yall, which non-southerners find very funny and primitive. I don't really blame them. I cannot listen to the New York accent without thinking of an uppity, well-off woman talking loudly on her phone while sipping cawfee.

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Very very unique and simplistic page layout! Excellent writings as well
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Also, do you mind if I create a button to link you on my page?
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k7 5 years ago

Of course, I would love that. Thank you :)

1 like
readingproject 5 years ago

Done. Let me know if you get a better button and I will replace it.

I took a look at neocities this morning and stumbled upon your site. I didn't get to breakfast until I read everything you've written. It's great to see someone caring about words, although I suspect you would dislike my writing style. Your site is great. Hope you keep at it. Thanks
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k7 5 years ago

Hello, and thank you for writing this message; I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you enjoyed reading my stuff. I'm sure I will like your writing style. Which reviewer am I talking with? I love Australian English both for its accent and for its tendency to abbreviate words.

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readingproject 5 years ago

This is bikerbuddy. I do all the site design

I love the diagonal line slowly moving in the background. Very cool artwork, too.
1 like
Yr English English post summarizes very well a generalized problem with academic language. Thank you.
1 like
k7 5 years ago

Thank you. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in this :)

1 like
Neat use of frames.
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k7 5 years ago

Thanks! Your website is very interesting. I really enjoy finding the odd unmaintained website every now and then. It's even cooler to know that there's a site dedicated to it.

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CreatedMay 10, 2018
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