A Thousand May Knao (ATMK)

1,080 updates
0 tips
Its not just me
And the view have been at 415,237,900 for days
Ya, um.. The site hits have stopped at 1,096,013,528
Is it just me, or is views not updating?..
i am just doing what i think is right and what it takes to get followres and views for my website
all of those people that i followed i actually there website
nah man my website is dope and u should follow it and i do like ur website that is y i followed it.
follow me plz
k1n2a3o4i5n6r-v2 6 years ago

Are you really just going to go around asking ppl to follow you? Maybe you should actually wonder if we'll actually like your site instead of trying to get as much followers as possible. I'd rather have a single follower who actually likes my site that a hundred who only followed blindly because you asked them to.

Website Stats

Last updated 6 years ago
CreatedSep 21, 2017
Site Traffic Stats


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