julian's artchive

1,926 updates
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hi i love ur site!!!!! :D and ur photography is pretty. i have a soft spot for photography
julians-art 1 year ago

:DD tysm!! I've been meaning to do some more actually, but for me it always depends on the time of day and weather and lighting outside and stuff

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troy-sucks 1 year ago

np!!! also, this reminds me that my dad whos a professional photographer has a bunch of super old cameras which i shuld totally share on my site!!!!

julians-art 1 year ago

woaaaaah that's so cool!! My dad is a semi-professional photographer but he mostly sticks to DSLRs and yess you should share that!

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um. I just went to check my guestbook and Idk what happened but it's empty? I haven't done anything but for some reason I guess everything just got deleted?? help??
Hey folks, quick update on my inactivity and everything. First of all sorry. I told you guys I'd have this writing done soon but that didn't happen. I've started a job and have decided that I want to dedicate much more of my time to music so I've had to put certain things like neocities on the back burner, at least for now. Hope you're al doing well. Stay safe :)
teethinvitro 1 year ago

Hey dude! Congrats on the job. Your music is awesome, so I'm glad you're still doing that. Take care of yourself too.

julians-art 1 year ago

Dude tysm!!! That means a lot :) yeah I've been working on the same album for over a year and I've finally decided to really work on eliminating all distractions and really buckling down and it's actually working!

Hhhhh so another (slightly unfortunate) update on brain juice. Turns out there's a lot more to write about on this topic than I thought and so it will still take a week or more to get this finished and in relatively good quality. I will see you soon enough :)
primate 1 year ago

Excited for it

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Working on the first Brain Juice article on the current state and the future of the internet but as I have a lot more to say than I expected and want to get the most accurate and hopefully least convoluted version of all that out to you, it may take a bit longer than expected, pls stand by, thanks!!
julians-art 1 year ago

Also, I'm looking for sites that support the indie and less centralized web (neocities, pages on neocities like sadgrl and openbooks, etc.) as well as sites with free and accurate information (wikipedia,,etc.), sites for mental health help, privacy, etc. so if anybody knows good sites that support a better world and internet pls let me know cuz I am struggling to find and remember!! Thx, stay safe :)

Tiny lil intro/prologue page explaining my upcoming commentary writing series "brain juice" is out pog. Hope to get the first bit of writing finished soon!
julians-art 1 year ago

It hast just occurred to me that the symbols in the header of the music list page look a bit like booba. They're supposed to be like vinyl records or CDs but oops it's booba time on the booba page. Check out my booba site.

julians-art 1 year ago

Woweezowee the first activity on my page in months! I shall now preform internet necromancy; the veil of inactivity has been lifted and my site rises once more from the bits and bytes like a digital phoenix that enjoys eating my brain juice.

murumart 1 year ago

mmmm brain juice

julians-art 1 year ago

Ahhhh a fellow brain juice enjoyer

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Cowabunga dudes! Would anyone be interested in potentially seeing a series of writing on my site with commentary about climate change, politics, cybersecurity/privacy, etc. ? Been thinking about it but 1) I don't wanna write to the abyss and 2) I feel like it'll just end up as rants
vencake 1 year ago

Articles/rants are some of my favourite site go tos lol so that's a yes from me

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primate 1 year ago


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murumart 1 year ago

yes please. i will read a rant anytime

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julians-art 1 year ago

Thanks everyone! Will be following up on this soon!

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Added buttons from all my moot sites and just sites I think are cool. I might make a button for my own site someday, we shall see. Probably maybe more content soon!
primate 1 year ago

Good to see you again dude!

1 like
julians-art 1 year ago

Good to be back! And good to see you too, the new design is looking very spiffy! (I envy your CSS skills)

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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedMar 20, 2022
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music art writing blog conlang