Insomniac Gaming

520 updates
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Holy crap my dinky little site passed 5,500 views! That's awesome! Thanks to those that have checked it out.
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I'm thinking of really changing up the layout of my site making it look a little neater/easier to read. If anyone looks and has any constructive advice, criticism, or comments, let me know!
Updated my blog, currently playing, and "Memory Book" prompt on my Text Box page. What are your favorite holiday gaming memories? leave a comment! :)
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Added the teaser trailer to my new series, The World of Working Designs! Full section coming soon.
haxrelm 3 years ago

Question, will the videos be on your site as well?

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insomniac-gaming 3 years ago

Yes, I plan to make a separate page for all of the videos and maybe other material for it. I have a mini-review of one game already up, but I'm rewriting it.

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I have decided to cover Every game released by the company Working Designs. I have 1 down already, that's about 34 more games to write/make videos on. God help me.
Thanks for the follow and for being the FIRST person to sign my guestbook. :) :)
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insomniac-gaming 3 years ago

No problem! I look forward to seeing how things develop.

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Website Stats

Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedOct 16, 2020
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