Ikewise Online

286 updates
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ikewise 5 years ago

So much to do and so little time to do it. I'm really gonna try to keep -some- kind of updates coming semi-regularly though.

arkmsworld 5 years ago

Little nightmare stories like this are why, even though I like the IDEA of Linux, I will never ever switch to it.

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π–Žπ–™ π–‡π–Šπ–Œπ–Žπ–“π–˜
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My site themes have a kind of blog-ish layout, but I just don't use it like that. I'm thinking about restructuring a bit and making the site something more like Maddox's where every so often I just post whatever, but honestly I'm not sure how much I'd have to post like that either. πŸ˜•
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yudosai 6 years ago

just do it man!

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My lack of updates is for retro-web authenticity and totally not just because I'm a lazy piece of shit who ran out of ideas for what to do here.
Do you take suggestions for web tutorials? Your client-side includes tutorial was extremely helpful, something that I previously thought was only possible with php and such. I've run into a problem where I want to parse information from "" like views, hits, and last updated. But I only know HTML/CSS and I have absolutely no clue what to do with this code.
ikewise 7 years ago

Glad to hear it helped! Sadly that's about the extent of my JavaScript knowledge at the moment, I haven't had time to get more into it.

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CreatedMay 20, 2014
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