
1,072 updates
0 tips
new blog post up (long)! not sure why it's not on the feed, but here's a link: . Have also moved to developing things locally, which means I've been learning how to use file paths properly and have done a big re-jig of links (hopefully everything works)
cool vibe, cool site!! looking forward to seeing it grow
1 like
photohomo 1 week ago

thank you, your tower site is a really awesome concept!

1 like
I adore your website! I actually found it before making a neocities account, and it made me want to make a website of my own. Anyway I really dig your art (bosch bird <3) and general aesthetic
I love your writing! most recently read your essay on revision, which really spoke to me, and I'm enjoying slowly getting through your other stuff
ghostscape 2 weeks ago

also, I am so jealous of/into whatever you've done with your footnotes: still in the process of establishing my own format for longform writing but I need to get some capacity for foot/endnotes in

sorbier 1 week ago

wow, thank you! obviously feel free to inspect source for the footnotes! good luck with your phd (:

ghostscape was updated.
2 weeks ago
veyther 2 weeks ago

Was able to see your site for the first time since I followed and I love what your doing with the place!

1 like
ghostscape was updated.
4 weeks ago
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ghostscape 4 weeks ago

1000th update already!!! it's what I get for developing this in the native neocities editor like an idiot

ig it's not necessarily the aim, but I like your site layout, especially the gallery! more to the point I enjoy your writing, and love the pushback I'm seeing (from you and more generally) to an internet presence having to constantly produce "content"
murid 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the complement. I really need to update that gallery with newer art someday.

ghostscape was updated.
1 month ago
ghostscape was updated.
1 month ago
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ghostscape was updated.
1 month ago

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedApr 6, 2024
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