Games and More

13,624 updates
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One of my bots, is now working! I added the bots page to my projects page as well. || Sneak Peek: An update to vas is coming, more work on RPG incoming, and a new super special project [I cannot say much more yet ;) ]. I thank all of you for the constant support! ~Malmadork, Games and More!
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Yesterday, I added a page for the bots I have been working on. I apologize for lacks of updates due to me trying to complete these bots. One bot, will send random quotes. The other one I have,, is an image based economy bot. This one is temporarily down due to error in my code. I hope you enjoy these bots that I have worked hard on! ~Malmadork, Games and More
gamesandmore 4 years ago

Also reverted the switch back to an old version due to a bug while i work out the kinks.

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gamesandmore 4 years ago

Working on a user login system, which is proving difficult.

gamesandmore 4 years ago

I think I found a way to make it work, but i will keep you updated :)

scarbyte 4 years ago

You can't use server side code on neocities. So making a log in system would be pretty much impossible.

Did a little bit of work on updating vas pages as well as setting up more things for RPG battles, primarily methods for creating new enemies. I am working in the background on new models and images for the RPG for new features and polishing it up. ~Malmadork, Games and More!
gamesandmore 4 years ago

Also updated the switch on the main page to include a link to the vas page

I hope everyone in the US had a good Thanksgiving! I was on break, so apologies for the lack of recent updates. Now it's time to get back to work! ~Malmadork, Games and More!
Few recent updates: Added a falling leaves effect to the november sitejam (can be toggled), added a link back to the main page on the sitejam, and created a new page for sitejam that can be found under projects.
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedOct 18, 2018
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videogames javascript blog games programming