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Ok so I decided the title page will be going on the front page, and there will be a different picture for the index page ( which will simply say warning ), bc new ideas + I decided the title page looked better on the front page instead.
I am now currently working on the index's pages title, hence why there is a placeholder picture above it!
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feralasar 6 months ago

Originally I was going to go with a picture in a picture frame saying feral world, but I ended up with just a drawn title saying Feral's world instead.

feralasar 6 months ago

I will probably reuse the picture frame as a border, but I dunno, I drew it thinking it'd make for a good index title picture but I found a better idea right in the middle of sketching it.

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I think I am going to make a to do list on the site some time today, bc I need reminders on what to do next
Wow I just hit 40,000 views recently!
Ok nvm it looks like its back up now
feralasar 6 months ago

Well my images are, but not site hosting them which is weird.

rn my site is broken bc the host I was using is down :/
feralasar 6 months ago

Man I need to find a real host for my site, but fuck man why does everything fucking suck ass or cost money to use?

feralasar 6 months ago

I mean I could use neocities itself, but the amount of space I have is limited bc I can't pay for a supporter plan.

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Last updated 1 minute ago
CreatedSep 10, 2020
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personal characters furry graphics pixelart