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hey dude, what script are you using for your blog? nice web!
eyesonthelens 4 years ago

I designed it on my own, hehehe. It is poorly based on the BBC site during 1998.

eyesonthelens 4 years ago

La neta me costó un montón de trabajo hacerlo, pero si te interesa te puedo mandar algún código luego para que hagas algo parecido.

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eyesonthelens 4 years ago

Tengo mis plantillas por ahí, jsjsjs

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stigma 4 years ago

buena compaa yapo

rbuchanan 4 years ago

None of Teshigahara's four adaptations pertain to the students' movement; Abe's embattled membership in Japan's Communist party had no association with his nation's New Left. "Dunes" posits the personal and sexual necessities of man's reconciliation with nature. That sisyphean struggle with which Okada's entomologist contends represents deviations from physiurgic life that differently typify both he and his captors.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

"Concubine" is another of my favorites, one of too few pictures to realistically depict either how someone's identity is modeled in the service of his art, or the Cultural Revolution's tyranny. I'm very fond of Cheung, one of HK's most flexible stars. To see Chen churn out a succession of inane wuxias and dramas over the past score is disheartening...

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

"Madre" is pretty unique: a legitimate drama that yaws into melodrama at its climactic confrontations -- and actually works! I don't know of another living director who could realize that.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Canto's transsexual is indubitably narcissistic, but I don't percieve his sexist sentiments as anything other than slurs momentarily provoked by pique. Other than misshapen "male feminists" who insinuate themselves to exploit opportunities for sexual misconduct, what kind of misogynist surrounds himself with women?

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Have you seen "The Skin I Live In?" Transmaniacs irrationally loathe it, but it's terrific.

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eyesonthelens 4 years ago

I see, I'm definitely interested in knowing more about Teshigahara, but I've been pretty overwhelmed by his work that I've never looked into it a bit more, thanks for answering that one.

eyesonthelens 4 years ago

You know, I haven't watched "The Skin I live in", I remember a few years ago they where playing it on HBO but I've never have it a thought, I'll watch it soon. I also know that the same year the film debuted on cinemas, another film with a similar argument was released, let me look into it.

eyesonthelens 4 years ago

Never gave it*

eyesonthelens 4 years ago

Concubine was really nice!! I've been thinking about it, but it's elaborated so carefully, in it's story, it's visuals, the sounds and the cues they give you to arrive at the final conclusion are wonderful, it confuses me a lot, but everything's like that for me..

Holy cow!! 90 followers!!!!
Thanks for following our website. Your site looks interesting with a lot going on.
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What's a 'Cinco de Mayo'? Here in Mexico is difficult to understand USA culture.
My circadian cycle is ruined!!!
rbuchanan 4 years ago

So are mine. Presently, I can only sleep for 4-5 hours during early evenings, then 2-3 each morning.

eyesonthelens 4 years ago

Yes, I feel you, the same is happening to me, this quarantine is ruining my routines and I know it will be difficult to go back to the normal. :(

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scarbyte 4 years ago

how'd you like his comment twice?

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eyesonthelens 4 years ago

tbh I really don't know, it just happened

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Quarantines don't disrupt my lifestyle, and I've recovered from COVID-19. Insomnia's been my principal asperity for 28 years.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Miracles and enigmas attend my presence and interactions.

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eyesonthelens 4 years ago

Good thing you're okay now, I've just started with the insomnia and the problems to sleep, but it's a different kind of thing, I sometimes feel scared. However, in my case I'm pretty sure it was because of how much I was accustomed to going every day to college, from monday 'till saturday.

eyesonthelens 4 years ago

I'm not accustommed to having so much free time and being so much at peace, I realized I really needed to not do anything sometimes, however, it's difficult to adapt.

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CreatedMay 18, 2019
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