Welcome to Eggie's Nest

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Thanks for the follow! loving those Ragnarok Online sprites!
nereidcreation 5 months ago

no prob! + ragnorak has the cutest artstyle ive been collecting so many sprites 0w0

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aywren 5 months ago

Wow, you've been really busy in FFXIV! Congrats!

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aywren 5 months ago

You Spoony Review! Just kidding - I'm always so glad that new players give my old favorite a try. Glad that you enjoyed it! <3

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eggie 5 months ago

As I said, classics are classics for a reason! I really don't want younger gamers to overlook the things we grew up with even if they aren't as advanced as what we have now. Game Design has come a very long way, and its good to remember the root of the hobbies we love.

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aywren 5 months ago

I still wanna do the newer variant dungeons with you. It's just been a crazy month this far. I'd much rather someone guide me through than struggle trying to figure out the branches. Unless the puzzles are more obvious in these, the first one had silly vague stuff to it.

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eggie 5 months ago

Yeah its been just hectic all around lately. I'm always down to run them with you! The puzzles are much more straightforward in Rokkon with two exceptions, and Aloalo only has one that isn't obvious, but I remember all of the solutions anyway so we'll be fine. Can't wait to see what they add next expac!

Thank you for the follow! <3
willowworld 6 months ago

of course! i really like your library log page, it's a really unique idea

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aywren 6 months ago

Loving your digest pages, Zel! Great screens, they really add to it!

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eggie 6 months ago

Thanks! The alt text for the images is probably what takes me the most time but it's worth it :)

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aywren 6 months ago

As a blogger, I completely get this as my finger is always posed near the screenshot button just in case. I happened to read back through Week 1 (sorry I missed it) and saw our Orthos adventures! I would have liked a victory screen at the end, too. We'll have to get it next time though! :D

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CreatedAug 29, 2023
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