Dizzy's Bunny Hell - Landing

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so! my things to do... one, make a trans-inclusive women webring. two, redo the layout of the website. sorry if updates are slow while i work on both!
I want to redo my layout a bit, but I'm struggling with ideas... >.<
i keep losing followers... am i doing something wrong?
doctordizzy 1 year ago

my anxiety is pretty bad, so,,

expnem 1 year ago

i can't imagine why you'd be losing followers :c unless people from that webring with radfems were following you and weren't fond of what u said..?? that's the only thing i can think of. i hope you feel less anxious soon! D:

doctordizzy 1 year ago

thank you <3 I can easily imagine that radfems were following me and are annoyed that I think that trans women are women

expnem 1 year ago

the fact that trans womens' identities are even argued at all... :( so messed up. but yea, np!! ^^

humanfinny 1 year ago

your site rocks!! if its terfs/radfems and the like, good riddance!

added you to my apartments!
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coffeebug 1 year ago

accidentally removed your code 'cause i'm an idiot... gonna try to redo that but i don't entirely remember what your 88x31 link was

Okay, yeah, women of the Internet seems to be tied to radfems. Would anyone be interested in a women webring that's explicitly trans inclusive? I feel very bad for joining the weird TERF one in the first place... I sincerely did not know, and I wish that I did.
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doctordizzy 1 year ago

added new self insert webring, and temporarily(?) removed women of the web webring. i have no idea if it's trans-inclusive or not, and i would prefer to know for certain. trans women are women, end of story.

school hell sucks
doctordizzy 1 year ago

i really do want to update, but anxiety and school,,

sorry school exist might be inactive
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I want to move more away from Discord and start to use smaller IM platforms. On that note, give me your emails >:3

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2021
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