claeiy's corner ☆彡

536 updates
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changed my home page up a little bit but idk if i like it or not... also google chrome is taking forever to update the css on my site but it looks fine on every other web engine?? v confused about that lol.
hello! i need some help w iframes. i'm wanting to be able to show past music on my homepage and have that iframe cover a part of the existing homepage like how cinni has on their page...if that makes sense. if any1 could help that would be cool. i'm having a hard time finding specifics on youtube/w3schools.
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koinuko 2 years ago

as long as you have an html page with the past music on it, you should be able to link it as the source in your iframe. what I did w/ the iframe on my homepage was put the whole iframe into a div and then put the div where I wanted it. I don't know if that helps or not but if you have any more questions feel free to ask!!

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nvr thought i'd see drama on neocities of all places lmao. sheesh ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌
just realized my site is kind of aesthetically similar to kirby and the crystal shards menu screens and now im back to liking how it looks lmao
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fighting the urge to change the entire aesthetic of my site. my initial goal was to make something cute, which i think i accomplished. however, i just don't think my site accurately represents who i am and only represents a v small part of me...if that makes sense
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decided to revert back to the old site design for now with an updated home page. the work i did yesterday just didn't feel right. (͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒)

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 21, 2022
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