
1,397 updates
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:^) was updated.
5 years ago
heck yeah i can post finally
:^) was updated.
5 years ago
:^) was updated.
5 years ago
I saw you had followed my page. Not sure where to follows your's, because, well, you're a young girl and I'm a 50+ old bloke and that kind of attracts the attention of the FBI perv squads! Anyway, keep the site going and use it to learn things like HTML, CSS and Javascript, if you're interested in that sort of thing (they can lead to good paying jobs...)
thanks for following
1 like
:^) was updated.
5 years ago
Thanks for Following WebSiteRing!
1 like
:^) was updated.
5 years ago
unimaginable-heights 5 years ago

hey i just saw your last post and it really resonated with me, the thing about spending your life waiting. that's exactly how i used to feel as a teenager, i even had a blog called 'suspended animation'. but now i've just moved back to my hometown after living abroad for 6 years and i'm enjoying revisiting a lot of stuff that i was into in my teens. i guess it's not all that great out there, not for me at least.

unimaginable-heights 5 years ago

anyway i really like your website! feel free to stop by any time. -t

:^) was updated.
5 years ago

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedOct 16, 2018
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80s music personal movies