the end is nigh

2,745 updates
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site now points to my new host btw in case the teacake url is confusing
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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Congrats on the custom URL!! I bet it feels nice to have one finally

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added new buttons to the links page and update the site's font to atkinson hyperlegible--not sure if it quite fits with the aesthetic, but i'll keep it for a while to see how i like it's accessibility features...
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added a contact form to the about page for ppl who wanna access me right away. it's connected to my disroot email, not pm
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FINALLY fixed an issue with the mobile view of the news (formerly blog) page and deleted redundant files bc this bitch was getting a little *too* big
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next to-do: optimization, buying a domain, and FINISHING THE NEXT DAMN CHAPTER
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changed my fonts yet again bc i am never satisfied
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shoutout to nenrikido for their preloader tutorial--i've added one to some of the text and image heavy pages but will be fixing it up more later

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 27, 2021
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