I'm alive, have a lot of the work for my pages done just in an external word processor. I will never not use Notepad++. I planned on getting right back to work on the page, but I wound up having a heat related illness followed with a bout of covid. Think I might fastforward adding a blog page to update for stuff like this.
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It's nice being able to work on this again. Reminder, there is a changelog on my page. I have plans to eventually add a little personal blog after the two new pages are finished.
I've had a site for close to a year now and I still have no idea how it decides to display your individual pages in the feed after you update them. It's most certainly not the most recently updated page, I also had a theory it listed the pages with the most substantial changes, but that is also not true. Is it a dart board approach?
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Things are more stable now, not quite where I want it, but enough that I may be able to start actually doing substantial updates again soon. So, fingers crossed.
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I think the nav bar looks better without the border, might make the navbar itself Windows 98 Grey, not sure yet. Any thoughts?