Aster's Labyrinth

6,367 updates
0 tips
thinking about making Aster adoptables that have little sayings and cheesy jokes
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i made the background fixed and i'm not sure if i like it more or not. it's a little less overstimulating. what do people think?
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just learned about this amazing thing called making multiple css files
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i love opening up my feed to see people working on their sites at the same time its like. parallel play. arts n crafts hour
goooby 8 months ago

i love parallel play

Your site is absolutely beautiful!!!! I added your button to my marquee. Those Aster plushies in your gallery are so cute!! :)
1 like
astersarchive 9 months ago

Thank you!!! You actually followed my other site a while back and I realized I should find you here since I'm a lot more social on this one. I love the textures and vibes of yours so much. I added your button too!

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Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJul 18, 2023
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