my little corner

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vashti 8 months ago

I'm sorry about everything that's going on. I hope you stay safe & well

1000cerises 8 months ago

@vashti thank u! I feel bad about the tone because i wrote it when i woke up and was quite grumpy and also panicked haha. despite everything the world is beautiful and im hoping for the best. thank u for ur wishes :)

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vashti 8 months ago

Never apologize for candidly speaking about your feelings, even negative ones ! & you are right, the world is beautiful & we are hoping for the best.

Hey can you actually recommend more classical music to me? I thoroughly enjoyed everything you recommended :o)
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1000cerises 8 months ago

so glad u enjoyed them @vashti <3 classical music is soo nice. here's some more! they all vary in tone and pace: Dmitri Shostakovich - Romance (from The Gadfly), Purcell - Rondeau, Claude Debussy - Clair de Lune (Jean-Christophe Spinosi), Frédéric Chopin - Nocturne in C Sharp Minor (No. 20), Erik Satie - Gnossienne No.1, Erik Satie - Gymnopédies, Vivaldi - The Four Seasons,Concerto No. 2 in G minor, RV 315 "Summer"

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1000cerises 8 months ago

this is how i find out neocities has a reply limit because it just wouldnt let me continue my message haha! anyway hope u enjoy

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vashti 8 months ago

Thank you soooooo much :-) I'm going to listen to all of these as I do my schoolwork this morning. Classical music is just something I find hard to get into due to how broad it is, & how extensive its history is, so I like having these jumping off points that you've given me :) I really appreciate it

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1000cerises 8 months ago

@vashti i use classical music too when I study so i'm always glad to help :3

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vashti 8 months ago

I enjoyed reading your journal entry~ I'm glad you've had such a peaceful week. (Side note: Can't remember the last time that I had hot chocolate; Maybe I need to get some soon :o)

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i love your site's layout and theme so much!! As someone obsessed with jellyfishes and all things ocean it's a delightful site to visit<3
I have to ask, how do you do your cassettes? Because it seriously looks like you could have spent hours working on each one.
1000cerises 8 months ago

hi!! I just saw this!(Why do we not get notifications on here...) this is such a nice comment of you omg THANK U yes i do put a lot of work into each one! Not hours though roughly 20min for the whole thing or a bit more if the cassette is looking wonky and i'm feeling particularly more of a perfectionist that day

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goooby 9 months ago


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cherrywaves 9 months ago

such a fun idea!

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