NEØNbandit Street

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ne0nbandit 6 months ago

Preparing stuff for a Christmas theme since the code of this place is a messsss! Should be up later tonight if I'm able to fix it :3 Along with christmas themed splash art on the enter page

ne0nbandit 6 months ago

CHRISTMAS PALETTE IS IN, YIPPEE (Sorry for weird contrast issues, I'm still adjust things here and there :'D)

Added a snow falling effect to the website and some of the snowflakes render as weird emojis on my phone x) need to edit those out, it just looks really silly
Deleted today's update (Didn't want people seeing my bad coding attempts njkgfndg) But I added a slideshow gallery to my home page :3
ne0nbandit 6 months ago

Doing some background CSS changes and some pages are getting messed up as a result so I'm just fixing those problems as I spot them :'D

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ne0nbandit 6 months ago

I made a new plush! :3

ne0nbandit 6 months ago

Always nice revisiting my special interest <3

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ne0nbandit 6 months ago

Note to self - Next year, implement the Halloween theme in a way that doesn't require individually editing every single page LMAO

noxernia 6 months ago

probably a theme/css switcher? : O i've been seeing them get more popular again this year. (this excites me because I like being able to choose what colors I stare at as I read peoples pages)

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jade-everstone 6 months ago

Not sure how your site's organized under-the-hood but my suggestion would be just swapping the code in the site's main CSS for a seasonal theme, and keep the reg CSS archived to swap it back afterwards. This way you don't have to edit as much pages

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ne0nbandit 6 months ago

Yeah, the problem with that is that there are some pages that have multiple CSS pages stacked on top of each other and those are ones I wouldn't want to be affected by the seasonal theme, so altering the main CSS would end up causing problems on that end x) I want to eventually make it some sort of toggle instead hehehe

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2022
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