bloodthirsty masquerade

11,298 updates
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Love the style of your shrine pages, the buckethead one really pops out to me even if it isn't finished yet. Cool cool site !
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bloodthirstymasquerade 5 months ago

thank you! i appreciate that a lot :)

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hello! i am alive! well, as alive as a vampire can be. i've been going through some weird life changes, hence the long absence. i hope you will forgive me! i can't promise steady updates at this point, but hopefully by the beginning of next year, i can! in the mean time, i'll be doing some maintenance and simplification. thank you for your patience. <3 DANTE
not me disappearing for a month! hahahaha..... i promise i will return and make it all better. <3

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJun 3, 2022
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wrestling music art vampire personal