
819 updates
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finishing a tailwind learning project and I should prob push a web in the next few weeks but it won't be anything wow, just a reorganization w SASS for i've learned it and it is dope w BEM + Atomic css rules
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aboboracandy was updated.
4 months ago
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cannot believe I let slide a href="https://"
aboboracandy was updated.
4 months ago
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love the rotating models!
punp 1 month ago

Thanks! I kitbashed it myself from a fossil scan

ok maybe i got into uni so there should be updates till I discover it B)
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as none of you may know, my notebook's processor died out of nowhere and I got it back last week. The thing is, i entered 'sudo rm /*' in the terminal, accidentally, lmao, so no logs for some time.
aboboracandy 6 months ago

btw, I'm doing some exams that could literally change my life next weeks. so Im fully focused on them and have barely any spare time (that ends up on either minecraft or graveyard keeper). Idk if it's illusory but I think I'll have more time if I enter the Uni and if so, many *cool* updates to come B)

I will be rebuilding the pixelizer for organization and identity purposes, I think it'll be up next weekend and Ill try to make more art!
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aboboracandy 10 months ago

if only I were to understand the clock malfunction

the win repo is absolute bonkers

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMay 18, 2023
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art programming personal