2Bit - A website about 2bit stuff.

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2bit 4 years ago


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Hey 2Bit! It's me again, the dialpad page is finished! Are those all of the combinations or is there still one for me to find? (
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zorgbravle 4 years ago

P.S: In the Fresh Prince of Bel Air page, you used emojis in the text which means that the page technically doesnt fit in the 2-bit aesthetic on most systems! (on my system I counted ~10 extra colors from the emojis)

2bit 4 years ago

I think those are all the combinations I made before my one year hiatus. A few days ago, I secretly added more

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2bit 4 years ago

The colors on your page are on par too. When I made the Fresh Prince Page, I think the emojis might have appeared in monochrome when I was using an older version of firefox. I'll look into fixing the colors

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Is it okay if I publish a list of every found dialpad numbers that are on your site? I have already finished the text file and basic page design (available on but want to have your permission before uploading.
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zorgbravle 4 years ago

It is to be noted that I will never actually link to any of the dialpad pages, but instead will simply have the numbers listed with a preview of the first sentence, making sure the viewers will be almost required to go to the dialpad from your home page.

2bit 4 years ago

I like this idea! You have my permission.

Thanks for the follow!!
2bit 4 years ago

You're welcome!

owlman 4 years ago

Oh my goodness, long time no see!

googol 4 years ago

Welcome back!

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Nice to have something as old as I am brings back fond memories
2bit 4 years ago


I need to work more on my site.
A woman wearing clothes is like a man in the kitchen.
2bit 5 years ago

I get this reference

I really dig your aesthetics. Testing designs in two-bit colour like the OG GameBoy has is often something I enjoy trying.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedMay 29, 2015
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90s gameboy retro pixels