TheGibusGuy's Grab Bag

854 updates
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reenah-corner 6 months ago

Good job dude! I really enjoy reading all this, u r a hero for finishing this while having other things to keep up with!

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thegibusguy 6 months ago

Thank you for reading all of it! It's nice to know that someone out there is listening.

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Hey, thanks for reminding me about Hypnospace Outlaw, I gotta get to playing that one day.
Ooh, a story told through text chats, are you a fellow Homestuck fan?
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Hey, thanks for the follow. Your CodePen stuff is cool, I love pretty looking web toys like that.
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Oh hey, I noticed that Shadok's link is broken on your links page. It's missing the https:// at the start, so it's trying to find the page on your site instead of linking to Shadok's one.
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thegibusguy 7 months ago

Cool site by the way, fellow dark background haver.

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verasimila 7 months ago

Thanks so much for letting me know! I'll get that fixed ASAP. Yours is pretty cool as well - I dig the CSS, but I'm maybe biased as a fellow dark background enjoyer / TF2 fan. Good on you for keeping up with Inktober, too- major props!

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thegibusguy 7 months ago

I forgot to change the title in all my other pages to grab bag, which is why they're all getting updated along with art.

Website Stats

Last updated 19 hours ago
CreatedSep 6, 2022
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videogames art counterstrike teamfortress2 leveldesign